Percentage Calculator

Free online tool to calculate percentages

Percentage Increase/Decrease Calculator

Percentage of a Number Calculator

Percentage Calculation

Tips Calculator

Percentage Difference Calculator

Please use a decimal point for accuracy (e.g., 12.5)

How to use the Percentage Calculator?

1. How to use the Percentage Increase/Decrease Calculator?

This calculator helps you find the percentage increase or decrease from one number to another. Here's how to use it:

  1. Enter the initial number in the first input box.
  2. Enter the final number in the second input box.
  3. Click the "CALCULATE" button.
  4. The result, which is the percentage increase or decrease, will be displayed in the third input box.

2. How to use the Percentage of a Number Calculator?

This calculator helps you determine what percentage one number is of another. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the first number in the input box.
  2. Enter the second number in the input box next to it.
  3. Click the "CALCULATE" button.
  4. The result, which is the percentage, will be displayed in the third input box.

3. How to use the Percentage Calculation?

The calculator helps you find what a certain percentage of a number is. Here's how to use it:

  1. Enter the percentage in the first input box.
  2. Enter the number you want to find the percentage of in the second input box.
  3. Click the "CALCULATE" button.
  4. The result will be displayed in the third input box.

4. How to use the Tips Calculator?

This calculator helps you calculate the tip amount based on the bill amount and desired tip percentage. Here's how to use it:

  1. Enter the bill amount in the input box labeled "Enter bill amount".
  2. Enter the desired tip percentage in the input box labeled "Tip percentage".
  3. Click the "CALCULATE TIP" button.
  4. The tip amount will be displayed in the third input box.

5. How to use the Percentage Difference Calculator?

This calculator helps you find the percentage difference (relative difference) between two numbers. Here's how to use it:

  1. Enter the first number in the first input box.
  2. Enter the second number in the input box next to it.
  3. Click the "CALCULATE" button.
  4. The result, which is the percentage difference, will be displayed in the third input box.

About Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator offers a fast and intuitive way to perform your basic percentage calculations. Whether you're calculating discounts, figuring out tips, tracking stock value changes, or analyzing marketing metrics, our tool is here to help.

Perfect for investors, online marketers, and anyone needing to compute percentage increases or decreases, our percentage calculator ensures accurate and reliable results with ease.